Dawn of the Daze

Well this is awkward.

Remember the time Jay Leno retired from The Tonight Show, and then a few months later had massive regrets then un-retired, screwing over Conan in the process? Well other than the inclusion of a spurned, lanky redhead I feel like both mine and Jay's stories share a lot of similarities. I wonder if Medibank Private covers chin implants.

It's been 9 months since we closed the door on ParmaDaze, and what a 9 months it has been. Now I'm not saying that wrapping up a chicken parma review blog was directly related to the world going to shit, but, well, I'll just leave this here and let you draw your own conclusions…


No need to harp on about what a year 2020 was, we all lived it, we all know. I don't know how we possibly could have kept ParmaDaze running during lockdown (there are only so many tinfoil boxes of thoroughly steamed Uber Eats parmas a man can eat) so in a way the timing of us calling quits on parma reviews when we did worked in our favour.

However now that we're coming out of lockdown I realised how much I miss it. Countless times over the last 9 months I have told people that I used to run ParmaDaze and every time it has left a sour taste in my mouth. Every time I hear about a new pub that has opened with a parma on the menu I think to myself "oh we should check that out" before remembering that's not something we do anymore and spiralling into sadness. I spent ten years as “the parma guy” and godamnit I’m not ready to give that up!


Then something occurred to me. I still have the website. I'm still paying Squarespace's exorbitant hosting fees and other than my dramatic "End of Daze" post there's absolutely nothing stopping us spinning things back up now that Victoria is returning to a sense of normality.

So that's exactly what we're gonna do.

Now it won't be exactly as it was, part of the reason for the shut down was that I was getting burned out on being locked into a weekly update schedule, so going forward there won't be any set time, more of a "when we feel like it" laissez faire management style rather than being beholden to a weekly update (So be sure to follow on Facebook or Twitter for notifications, I might even straight up cross-post to Facebook this time around to make things a bit easier to find).

I also haven't run any of this by the ParmaDaze review team. They are more than welcome to rejoin our little adventure of course, and no ill will to them at all if they're still enjoying retirement and have no desire to return, so I’m guessing that from here on out it’ll mostly be a solo adventure (other than Reviewer Nikki who is legally obligated via marriage to stay involved, sucks to be her lol).

I'm still plugging away at the oh so mysterious "PD 2.0" project, things are progressing (albeit slower than expected) and that will still appear eventually, although possibly with a slight re-brand to keep the current ParmaDaze page in tact.

So that's it! I haven’t got a review pre-written or anything so it might be a week or so before the next update. Apologies for the emotional roller-coaster that these two consecutive blog posts have been, hopefully our return can be seen as sliver of good news in the clusterfuck that has been 2020. The break over the last nine months has recharged my batteries and I am ready to get out there and see what kind of amazing parmas Melbourne has to offer.

The search resumes...

End of Daze

Over the last ten years I’ve often wondered when and how ParmaDaze would actually end.

Surely this couldn't go on forever, at some point we’ve got to close the book on this little quest... right?

ParmaDaze started as a way to keep in touch with a group of mates after a fire took away Ascot Vale’s Prince of Wales Hotel - our Wednesday parma night home for many years previous.  

But as much as we all hate to admit it times change, 10 years is a hell of a long time, and for the last 12 months or so weekly attendance at parma night has been dwindling, to the point where only four of all of the parmas we reviewed in 2019 had more than 3 attendees, considering that when we started we would easily crack 15 reviewers every week that is quite a drop in numbers. 

Now I want to be clear that I hold no ill will to any and all of the review team who have dropped off of late. This isn’t a guilt trip. Free time, commitments and all round life changes for everyone and expecting weekly attendance to my mad little scheme for ten goddamn years was a ridiculous ask, and a massive thank you for coming even once to give your opinions on some parmas.

So when I saw that Parma 400 and our 10 year anniversary amazingly coincided on the same week I took it as a sign from the universe that it was time to wrap things up, Which is why this week’s review #400 finished where we began 10 years prior. Starting and ending at Mrs. Parmas seemed like an amazingly fitting end to this journey.

Reviewing these parmas every week for ParmaDaze has been a major part of my life, and even now part of me is crying out to keep it going forever. Flicking through Instagram this last couple of weeks it has been triggering a weird tinge of sadness every time I get tagged in a decent looking parma and think to myself “Oh I’ll have to add that to the list” before reminding myself that “the list” is no more. 

Man this got depressing quick. 

So what’s next?

Well first up I’m not disappearing, and definitely not stopping both eating parmas and giving my opinions on them. All of the social media sites will remain and I’ll no doubt chuck the occasional review up on Instagram, share interesting parma news on Facebook and share my thoughts on Video Games or assault companies for tech support on Twitter (hell with all this extra free time I might even be able to get the occasional video review out on the dusty old YouTube channel).

Really the only thing that is gonna stop is the weekly long form blog update, and I’ll be sure to keep the archive of existing blog posts live for as long as humanly possible. I worked for 10 frickin' years on those posts, I’m not gonna let them disappear!

On top of that we have something new in the works. I’m not ready to release all of the details just yet - But know the term “PD 2.0” is getting thrown around a lot. I don’t want to put a specific date on it, but I should have something concrete to share some time in the coming months. I’m pretty excited about it and I think it’s going to be something really cool. 

Now it's time for some thankyous. As I touched upon earlier a massive thanks to everyone who pitched in a score to ParmaDaze over the years - I couldn’t have done it without the contributors so big thanks to you all. Thanks to my wife, Reviewer Nikki, for putting up with me for all this time and being the best partner and/or designated driver a guy could ask for. Oh and a special mention to Reviewer “Savage" Stefo as well - The bloke who, behind Nikki and Myself, came to more reviews than anyone else. A true champion for the cause. 

Thanks to the pubs for putting up with us. I’ve said some relatively nasty stuff about some of you over the years, I hope none of it was taken too seriously, it was all a bit of fun - Except that one pub that tried to sue us, but they are under new management now so I’m not gonna name them.

Specifically thanks to the Birmingham Hotel, the Imperial Hotel and all of the other golden chook winners for humouring us any time we rolled in to present the poor unsuspecting staff with chicken trophies. You guys were always good sports. 

Oh and thanks to the Prince of Wales hotel in Ascot Vale. To Parma Pete, Tony and Chris for putting together the greatest pub meal that has ever graced this earth. Still missed to this day, we looked for a parma to replace yours for ten goddamn years and, although we had some damn good feeds in that time, still came up short. In my mind you still remain the best we’ve ever had. 

And finally, thanks to you! ParmaDaze could not of existed without the support of the readers coming back every week to read my chicken scratch. Being “The ParmaDaze Guy” has afforded some amazing opportunities (I’m gonna be bragging that I was interviewed for the Wall Street Journal for decades to come), and most importantly has been an absolute blast. So. much. fun. 

And so - After 10 years, four hundred reviews, thousands of pints and a countless chickens its finally time to say...

The search is over.

Special Attempt - 'Tour De Hobart #2'

It has been a hot minute since we have ventured down to Tasmania!

Our last visit was back in 2014, when our first Tour De Hobart took place, and I was definitely curious to see how the Tassie parma scene had changed in the nearly 6 years since we last set foot on ol’ Van Diemen’s Land, so last Friday (chucked a sickie for an extra long weekend) we boarded a ridiculously early Jetstar flight and headed down south to see what Hobart had on offer once again.

Parma #1 - The Shamrock Hotel


I’ve got a soft spot for the Shamrock. I would say its my second favourite pub in Hobart (behind the Shipwright’s Arms Hotel). It’s a cozy, friendly local that gets surprisingly packed at lunchtime.

Now this is already gonna be a long post so I’ll try and cut down on the fluff. We grabbed a seat at the Shammy and checked the menu -

Just look at those prices. Absolute bargain, although I’m not quite sure what makes a seafood basket “Turbo”.

Just look at those prices. Absolute bargain, although I’m not quite sure what makes a seafood basket “Turbo”.

Our last visit to the Shamrock I was accidentally served a pepperoni parma. Well, might as well make it official this time around and actually order a pepperoni parma. We placed our order at the bar, waited for our parmas to arrive and about 15 minutes later the meals appeared from the kitchen…


Starting off strong! The schnitzel was home made, thick and super juicy. The second I saw it I did regret not shelling out the extra cash to “monster size” this one as it was a little bit small, however for only fifteen freakin’ dollars I’m not complaining in the slightest.

The salami was a welcome touch however I was yearning for a little bit more heat - And here is something I noticed this weekend - Tasmanian pubs love hot sauce. Every pub we visited this trip (both the ones we had a parma at and the ones we just stopped in at for a beer) had a large selection of hot sauces sitting by the bar. I’m talking 5 - 10 bottles minimum. Its one of those things that you don’t notice until you notice it - but every Tassie pub seems to have a treasure trove of hot sauce, and the Shamrock had at least twenty.

I grabbed a bottle of Frank’s Red Hot that was sitting amongst the collection and it really brought the pepperoni parma to life. Absolutely delicious.

Chips were hot, well seasoned and crispy however the serving size was pretty minimal. Definitely could have used another handful.

The salad was middling, I appreciated the seperate bowl and beetroot slice however I could have used a lot more dressing. It was fresh, just uninspired.


All of my above criticisms of the Shamrock parma can be negated by the statement “It was just fifteen dollars”. If you don’t feel like pepperoni on your parma the traditional is just $12.50. Absolute bargain and I can now see why the place gets so packed out at lunchtime.

I’ve been before and I’ll definitely stop in again.


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So for our weekend in Hobart we stayed at Wrest Point Casino. Our last visit to Wrest Point we tried the once-great-now-horrible parma at their upstairs restaurant known as The Loft (you can read about it here).

Well (unsurprisingly if the quality of the parma we had last time was any indication … I’m not bitter or anything) The Loft is no more. Ditched for a Chinese Restaurant, leaving the waterfront bistro known as “The Boardwalk” as the only spot in the complex one can get their parma on.

It was lunchtime on Saturday and after a big breakfast at the buffet and with dinner plans at a decent nearby restaurant (Ristorante Da Angelo - Highly recommended) I just wanted to grab something small to fill my tum tum between meals.

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As I didn’t want too big of a meal I opted for the “regular” sized parma, and after being bamboozled into signing up for membership on check in (it was free, just time consuming and no doubt I’m gonna get swamped with spam emails in the future) I managed to get parma #2 the $19 price tag. Also I went with the Chips & Slaw option, so the exact nature of “new potatoes” will forever remain a mystery.


Okay so even though it was under twenty bucks I feel like the “its okay because its cheap” excuse can only be stretched so far. I know I ordered the “regular” sized parma but this thing was tiny, about the size of a McCain personal pizza. The schnitzel was pretty bad quality, Dry and cheap with a seam of gristle running up one side that was a bit of a stomach-turner


The toppings were fine, nice browning on the cheese and the slice of ham was appreciated but overall it all felt pretty cheap and phoned in.

The chips were actually a high point. Served out from underneath the parma (it’d actually be impressive to see them try and get all the chips under the parma, considering the size of the thing) they were hot, crispy, well seasoned and plenty of them.

It was cheap, over-mayo’ed and a pretty small serve but I didn’t hate the coleslaw. If anything a bit of the coleslaw on the same fork as a slice of parma helped to lift a quite shitty parma up into mediocrity. I think I just like coleslaw with parmas so I am a little biased.

As you would expect from a casino the parma at the Boardwalk is the cheapest thing they could possibly throw together and still call it a parma. I reckon all up there is about $2.50 worth of ingredients here that they are peddling for $19. I think you can earn a free parma by accruing enough membership points - and “meh, its free” would be the only condition under which I’d recommend this parma.

Go to the Shippies instead - It’s nearby, $2 cheaper and much, much better.


Our mighty vessel

Our mighty vessel

Okay so I know this one isn’t technically a parma, but in the world of novelty parma toppings what is a parma if not chicken schnitzel with some sort of flavour sauce dumped on top. It’s a bit of a stretch, but we’re doing this.

There’s a long story on how we ended up on this dinner cruise that I won’t bore you with, but the main points you need to know are this - It’s $59 per person for a 3 course meal and a drink (1st course is a choice between garlic bread and spring rolls, dessert is a choice between chocolate pudding and lemon tart and main is a choice from the below menu -


We boarded our swift vessel and headed off into the bay.

The garlic bread was standard bake-at-home roll fare, It’s cheap and nasty but it kept us happy while the beers flowed.

Shortly after our mains arrived and, well …


Okay I’m not gonna rail too hard on them as the meal isn’t really what you are there for. The cruise itself was actually a lot of fun. The guy on the loudspeaker narrating points of interest as we passed was pretty entertaining and with an on board bar I could think of a lot worse ways to spend two hours.

Okay I’ve gotta talk about it a little bit.

The schnitzel was standard Coles/Woolies deli window fare, chucked in a fryer and on the plate. Nothing more, nothing less (and to be honest it was slightly better quality/bigger than the one from the casino).

When we placed our order for the schnitzel before boarding we were given the choice between “Gravy” and “Pepper Gravy”. The only difference being literally some cracked pepper on top of the pot of gravy before being served. But ya know what? It worked.

The potatoes were fine, I appreciated the butter on the side. The garden salad was not fine. No dressing, dry leaves, at least the Shamrock put it in a bowl.


Then after the schnitzel the lemon tart with ice cream came out as we were finishing up the trip and I’ll be damned if it wasn’t delicious.

It might have been the 5 or 6 stubbies of Cascade we downed over the course of the trip but, low quality schnitzel aside, I had a fun time on the cruise. It was charming. Keep your expectations low and you can be nothing but pleasantly surprised.



Monday rolled around and because someone decided that a 9:45pm flight out of Hobart back to Melbourne was a not at all dumb idea we had an afternoon to kill after our 11am checkout from the hotel.

Our original plan was to visit the famed Brunswick Hotel and their Wallaby parmas, however being the Australia Day public holiday at the time the Brunswick had opted not to open, so the next best thing we could find was the Customs House.

Situated directly across the street from where we boarded the dinner cruise, the Customs House is in a great spot to watch the comings and goings of Sullivans Cove.

We grabbed a seat in the bar and checked the (once again fantastically priced) menu…


I ordered a side of gravy with my parma and it still wasn’t over twenty bucks. Tasmania is doing something right when it comes to the pricing of their pub feeds.


Well we are definitely leaving things on a high note. The Customs House parma was absolutely fantastic.

First up the schnitzel was super thick, pure white chicken breast and cooked to utter perfection. Not overly crumbed and grilled to a spot on golden brown.


The toppings were plentiful, the napoli sauce was fresh, flavoursome and applied in abundance. A good, chunky sauce which I’d be very surprised if I discovered wasn’t made in house. Cheese melt was great too, good stretch and plenty of it, However I reckon this parma would have been an absolute killer if they had added a slice of ham. I know some corners would have to be cut to keep a parma like this at just $17, however even the option to add a slice of ham for a buck or two would have been greatly appreciated.

Yet another treasure trove of hot sauces greeted us at the Customs House.

Yet another treasure trove of hot sauces greeted us at the Customs House.

The chips were great. Beer battered, crunchy, just how we like em. My only mistake was ordering a side of gravy as well as the included aioli because I just had too many dipping options and too few chips to dip. My ratios were all off and another handful of chips would have solved all my problems.

As for the salad, well now I know where the dressing from the previous two garden salads went - The Customs House stole it all. The garden salad was absolutely drenched in dressing, which is exactly how I like it, however I can see it being a little bit much for others, could probably back it off a little to find a happy medium.


The Customs House is a great spot to pull up a pew and watch the world go by, which is exactly what we did until our time in Hobart was up,we headed to the airport and back home to Melbourne.

Not counting the boat trip every parma we had in Hobart was at least under twenty bucks. Sure they varied in quality but it seems to be a bit of a rule of thumb to keep the prices low when it comes to bar meals.

As this was a Special Attempt we won’t be scoring these ones, however the Customs House was definitely the best of the weekend, followed closely by the Shamrock. There was entertainment value with the dinner cruise, cheap parma aside I actually had a great night. The Boardwalk at the Casino however had little to no redeeming value, of all the parmas we tried I’d say that is the one to avoid unless absolutely desperate.

Oh, I posted the above images on our Twitter earlier this week which friend of ParmaDaze @thebeerzilla turned into an image that I just have to share -


Spot on.

All up this was a fun weekend away, and just driving through the streets of Hobart I spotted so many more pubs I would love to try on a future trip. Fingers crossed it’s not another 6 years before we get back.

2019 Parma of the Year Awards

Happy New Decade everyone! By now I’d imagine most of us are back at work after the holiday break (ugh). Here we are in 2020. 2020. ParmaDaze started in March of 2010 so we are only three months away from our 10 year anniversary. Insane.

But before we forge ahead into the new decade lets take a look back at the year that was 2019. An interesting and fun year! Fat Yak named the best parma in the country, we did a roundup of all of the frozen parmas on the market, the Ascot Lot hosted an entire festival dedicated to the chicken parma, Coles released a surprisingly not entirely shit Chicken Parma Pizza, and I strapped on the apron to recreate an American Chicken Parmesan recipe which, like the Coles Parma Pizza, also turned out surprisingly good.

Oh, and I had a nervous breakdown watching cooked parmas sit under heat lamps for 40 minutes before getting plates up and served at the Corner Hotel rooftop.

As far as numbered reviews go we chalked up 30 new attempts in 2019. I’m not gonna lie, there was a lot of mediocrity in there  (not as bad as 2017, aka “the year of the stinkers”), but there were also some surprising standouts that I’d like to make sure get a mention before moving on to the big awards.

Now before we get started let me preface all of this by saying this is all personal opinion, a bit of fun and not to be taken too seriously - Everyone’s tastes are different and personal experiences at different places can fluctuate wildly. But these are the parmas we think deserve a mention from what we had in 2019 - If you’ve got a suggestion of somewhere you think is better feel free to suggest a parma here or use any of our other contact methods and we’ll do our best to visit it in 2020.

With that out of the way, on to the awards!


They did it. The crazy sons of bitches they actually did it.

Scientists have been working for decades on how to make a parma that you can eat standing up. They’ve put it in burgers, in wraps, in balls and in jaffles - But none have ever quite hit the mark. They’ve always been a little off from capturing the true essence of the parma.

Enter Jake’s Kitchen. an unassuming food truck we found at the Ascot Lot, and their chicken parma creation…


On a bed of crispy chips coated in “Jake’s special paprika seasoning” was a pre-sliced, super crispy chicken breast. slathered in gooey cheese and rich napoli sauce (I could do without the peas, tbh) they have created a sort of “Parma HSP” that really captured the essence of the parma without wrapping it in distracting hamburger buns or tortilla wraps.

They were the hit of the Parma Festival, with a queue over an hour long stretching the span of the food truck park. Absolutely insane. Definitely worth tracking them down for a visit.



The Uber Eats explosion coupled with my increasing laziness as I continue my steady decline into being an old man meant we did more home delivered parmas than usual this year. Despite one too many cold and mis-delivered parmas being delivered utterly breaking me on the idea of Uber Eats delivered parmas all together, The parma from Eat Pizza in Glenroy stands out as the best we tried in 2020.

It wasn’t outstanding from a quality perspective. I mean, it was fine, however the big standout here is that entire meal pictured above (except for the beer) was only fifteen dollars. fifteen dollars for a metric crapload of food. The parma, chips and salad combined could easily feed two people. We normally do “biggest parma” and “best value parma” superlatives as well, but to be honest this home delivered parma from a pizza joint in Glenroy takes out those honours as well. Outstanding.


There are two parmas we had this year that didn’t quite get a trophy, yet I wouldn’t feel right if they didn’t at least get a mention in the 2019 roundup, As they are both fantastic examples of a parma that you need to get out and try as soon as possible.


Its not traditional, It’s covered in powdered parmesan cheese, the napoli tastes like its half barbecue sauce, and you’d be a fool if you didn’t order it with a side of macaroni & cheese cubes. But I’ll be damned if the parma Easey’s put up at Collins Street’s The Bottom End wasn’t one of the most unique, interesting and flavoursome parmas of 2019.


The thick, ultra smoked ham. The caramelised, almost sweet texture on the crumbs, the thick high quality chicken schnitzel. It’s not a parma for everyone as it does a lot different, but I’d have this thing every day of the week. Try it asap.


Boy we are really banging the “non traditional” drum this year, but the bone-in prosciutto, tomato and buffalo mozzarella parma from the Robbie Burns stands out as one of the best we had in 2019. Kind’ve the polar opposite of the Easey’s parma, which was like if McDonalds made a parma but good, the Robbie Burns parma feels like something that would come straight out of Nonna’s kitchen in the middle of Italy. It’s non traditional by way of being super traditional, if that makes any sense at all.


Not to mention the sides. I rate the Robbie Burns creamy mash as the best mashed potato I’ve had in my life, and I even got on board with the shoestring fries.

Now, being 150 metres from our 2019 Golden Chook winner you will definitely have a decision to make if you’re in the area, but they are such wildly different experiences I think there is still room for both to exist in such close vicinity. Worth a visit.


In a year of unique parmas crowning one as the “weirdest” definitely seems like putting a hat on a hat, but it wouldn’t be a 2019 wrap up without talking about this…


The chicken parma ice cream from Mr. Whippy, their offering at the Ascot Lot’s Parma-Rama festival.

I mean … What is there to say? It was soft serve ice cream covered in crushed chicken crimpy shapes. I stand by my theory that a mix of chicken, cheese & bacon and pizza shapes would have really captured that parma vibe over just chicken crimpy. C’mon guys. Put a bit of thought into your chicken parma ice cream, gosh.


Alright! Its time to hand out some hardware. For newcomers the Best New Parma is the first of two awards we give out every year. Simply put the Best New Parma award goes to the best parma we ate in 2019. The highest scoring new addition to the list in the last 12 months, it was tight this year - I thought one of the two honourable mentions above would take out this award for the longest time, however they were pipped at the post by this year’s winner - North Melbourne’s Town Hall Hotel.


We first tried the Town Hall back in back in 2011, but we went with a few bacon haters in the group (I swear I didn’t know at the time, we have since ceased all contact) that dragged the score down significantly. So this year we gave it a second look and I’ll be damned if the rich, thick cut, smokey bacon on top of the Town Hall’s parma doesn’t launch it into the upper echelons of parmadom. Much like the Easey’s parma it is a bit of a divisive one, if you don’t like bacon this might not be the parma for you - However we thought it was absolutely outstanding.

I bet you thought the Mona Lisa was on display at the Louvre. Nope. North Melbourne.

I bet you thought the Mona Lisa was on display at the Louvre. Nope. North Melbourne.

In the interest of full disclosure we revisited yesterday to present the Town Hall the award and have a parma while we were at it and it was a little light on the rich, chunky napoli we enjoyed in October, I wouldn’t mind seeing a bit more of that going ahead, but it was still a damn tasty dish and worthy of the honours. It’s also a super cool, old school rock & roll pub that’s worth the visit just for the experience. Give it a crack.


Is it even a surprise at this point? They’ve taken out the award the last three consecutive years and this year even Fat Yak backed up our decision by dubbing them Australia’s Best Parma.

For the fourth year in a row, massive congratulations to The Birmingham Hotel.

In February of 2019 I had a bit of a crisis. After presenting the Birmy with their 3rd Golden Chook got a little bit of press coverage a lot of negative comments filtered through claiming it was no longer as good as it once was.

My concern drove us to revisit the Birmy just to make sure the claims weren’t true and I’ve got to say I think it’s as good as ever. I know a lot of people are weirded out by the parma being served on a wooden board, but to be honest it doesn’t bother me all that much. For now the Birmy parma remains unbeaten in our eyes, and with this fourth consecutive Golden Chook they are now equal with The Imperial Hotel, who held the title from 2012 - 2015.

So congrats to the Birmy once again! Keep doing what you’re doing, and if you’re reading this and have yet to try a Birmy parma then head over asap and see what all the fuss is about … and if you’re a big eater stop by the Robbie Burns on the way out for a different, yet still amazing example of a parma.

And with that we wrap up 2019. Thanks for staying with us for yet another year. As I mentioned at the jump 2020 marks the 10 year anniversary of ParmaDaze. We’ve got some big things in the works so stay tuned for some announcements in the coming months.

Until then we are back on the search for the perfect parma! Stay tuned for new reviews coming every Friday as per usual, drop into the ParmaDaze Discord if you want to chat (I’m always there) or use the submission & contact buttons above if there’s a parma you’d like us to try!

Cheers, and the search continues…